Have I always been this size??!!
After all these YEARS.....
Where does all the food go???
Have I not eaten enough Macs, KFC, ice cream, etc??
Does all the food just disappear?????
I think there's this black hole in me that's sucking all the food away...
I'm truly shocked. I just had this epiphany that my weight problems has existed ALL this while. I see the urgency of this dire situation and it is indeed absolutely alarming.
This is truly a shocking discovery.
I mean, I know that I have this severe problem in which my physique is akin to that of a malnourished African kid
I never knew it has existed for soooo long!! Since time immemorial.
I'm totally disgusted by the pictures of myself la. Ewwwww to the max. Like a walking skeleton la!!! Straight from a horror movie.
Hey, don't people grow bigger as they get older??
Maybe not, but they become more concerned with their appearance.
So a very concerned me went to google for ways to gain weight and mass...
Google is so helpful.. It led me to websites for guys who wish for a muscular bodybuilder kind of body.

The way to go is to pile on the food, drink lots of water, and have lots of sleep.
Hmmm okay, I've been doing all that. For all this while, or rather my whole life...
But there's another key to success
Weightlifting = Muscles = MASS (yay!!!)
I want muscles!!!!!!!
Promise myself gotta workout EVERYDAY and hopefully a new, muscular me will emerge!

HURH!! *makes macho sounds*