I googled "HOW TO CRACK AN EGG".
So embarrassing that I don't know how to crack an egg properly...
But after watching the ultimate egg cracking video on youtube,
I learnt the 4 easy steps to cracking an egg!
- Wash your hands and hold the egg in your favourite hand, between your middle finger and thumb, resting your first finger along the egg's side.
- With one swift decisive motion, crack the egg on a flat surface or on the edge of a bowl to make a clean horizontal crack at the side of the egg. (DON'T TAP SOFTLY!!)
- Use both of your thumbs to separate the shells on either sides of the crack, by moving up and away from the crack.
- Let the contents of the egg fall into the bowl and remove pieces of shell from the egg if necessary.
And with this, I cracked my first egg successfully (without leaving any eggshell residue!!)