After weeks of abstinence and painfully suppressing my urges, I crumbled and transformed into Darth Vader.
(But I still must give myself some credit for not buying anything for this long!!!:)
With a mindset of a limitless spending power, I walked into F21 and triumphantly emerged with these:

That place is full really of evil!!!! How come they have so many pretty accessories that even after narrowing down my choices after careful elimination, I still end up buying so much!!!! I should really avoid going there already. I should not be going to shopping centres actually (danger zone!!!).
Subsequently, I also bought a pair of new shoes (there was 20% discount, how could i resist!!!!). Despite my dislike for wearing shoes, I still keep buying them!!! Why must shoes look so nice and alluring!!!!! Must kick my bad habit of wearing slippers/sandals everyday already...
Anyway, today I watched one of the WORST movies ever.
I left feeling angry with myself for watching this movie. What a waste of time!!!! I am simply appalled at how lousy and boring the show is. It was putting me to sleep and I felt like leaving the cinema. Its a freaking waste of money!!!! It is supposed to be a comedy, but how come I didn't find it funny at all!!!? I don't remember laughing at all actually. I don't understand how can the other people in the cinema laugh uncontrollably when I simply feel like rolling my eyes. Hmmm maybe it is just me (like how I find HIMYM boring too). :(
The severe degree of boringness of "The Other Guys" has led it to join the league of the "Most Horrible Movies EVER".

Epic Movie, The Benchwarmers, and Sex and the City 2 - NOTHING can be worse than that.
Given a choice between Barney and the above, I would choose Barney without hesitation.
