Friday, May 4, 2012



I am so incredibly thankful to my heavenly Father who has been faithfully watching over me during this period. This is one of the longest exam I've ever had, spanning three weeks. And all glory goes to Him for allowing me to tide through this time, with Him being my source of strength and hope :)

Now that exams are over, I feel as though I have lost my direction in life. Previously I knew that my daily routine would encompass studying. But now, I have to begin to make plans, and I don't know where and how to begin. I feel like I'm being thrown back into the harsh reality of this world. It would be utterly ridiculous for me to admit that I actually enjoy the process of examinations. But I think I do. I like the challenge, and I really do enjoy studying and acquiring new knowledge. Maybe the preparation for exams is just an excuse for me to huddle myself up in my room, and distance myself from the world. They say no man is an island, but there are times I wish I could seclude myself from the world, and just live in a cave or something like that. Exams provide me with the perfect cover for doing so.

Unfortunately now I have to be rudely jolted back to reality, in which life does not revolve around studying and seclusion. There are many important things in life that I must get back to, many issues to ponder and reflect on. There is no running away anymore.