Saturday, July 10, 2010

Operation Saving

Dieeeeeee. When I am not online shopping, I am real-life shopping.
This disease of mine is really sucking the life out of my bank account. First, the numbers start dwindling and then the digits start to drop, one at a time. Soon, it will come to a point when there is nothing to squeeze out of it anymore. Argh.

Have to stop that from happening!!!
Operation Saving is now on!!!!!!!!!!!

I promised myself not to leave the house next week. And even if I do go out (only for important matters), I can only spend $10 maxxxxxx.
Atm card will be held in a classified location for an undetermined amount of time.
Ibanking device will be in the possession of my dad, who is fully capable of guarding it.

With all these measures put in place, I hope that Operation Saving will be a success!